Monday, September 18, 2023

What if..!!

 what if I do not make it?

what if they don't like my performance?

what if I am not able to jump?

what if I am not able to pay?

what if I can't speak it with a flow?

All these questions arise when deep down your gut knows that you haven't taken enough action in your alone time to be suitable for going out in the world yet.
Self-doubt is a big enemy of success, there are steps to take when you experience self-doubt. Most importantly. 

Carefully noticing the actions you are taking, changing the things you can, accepting the things that you cannot, and being wise enough to find out the difference between the both. 
If you can handle this, self-doubt will be long gone. P
ay attention to the details. 

Thanks 🙏

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 Hi guys, I am back again. ( OCT 31,2021) 12:00AM Sometimes people around you help you a lot, these are the people that you see every day, a...